Popliteal fossa
Arteries of the pelvis and the hip
Aorta, Bifurcatio aortae
A. iliaca interna
A. epigastrica inferior
R. obturatorius
R. pubicus
Lig. inguinale
Aa. pudendae externae
R. acetabularis
R. anterior
R. posterior
A. obturatoria
R. acetabularis
R. profundus
R. superficialis
R descendens
Fig. 1394
Arteries of the hip and the thigh;
The branching pattern of these arteries varies considerably,
This type of origin and arborisation of the deep artery of thigh
occurs in approximately 58% of cases.
A. lumbalis V
A. sacralis mediana
A. glutea superior
A. obturatoria
Fig. 1395
Arteries of the pelvis and the thigh;
digital subtraction angiography (DSA).
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